Take-down form

Please note that the Secretariat closes on the 15th December 2025 and opens again on 2nd January 2026. You are welcome to complete the application forms, lodge requests, or contact us, however these queries will only be processed when the Secretariat opens again in the new year.

Use the form below to lodge a take-down notice with ISPA.

If this is the first time you are lodging a take-down, we suggest that you read how to lodge a take-down first.

What happens next?

Once your take-down request has been lodged, you will receive a copy of the information you submitted and a reference number (e.g. TDN #1234), sent to the email address you provided on the form. ISPA will only use the personal information that you provide on this form for the purpose of handling the take-down request, but please bear in mind that means we will have to share that information with one of our members, and that member may well pass on the contents of the take-down notice to the owner of the content you have identified.

Next, ISPA will confirm that all of the required information is included. We will also check that the content you are referring to is hosted on that organisation’s network, and that the remedial action you have requested is feasible. If, for some reason, your request fails one of these tests, you will be notified of the reason. If the request passes these tests, it will be forwarded on to the service provider in question, and you will receive a reply acknowledging receipt. You should get a response from ISPA within three working days.