ISPA Inspires Inaugural Bursary Winners
Fabian Brijlal
Age: 25
Fabian is a hard working individual and no stranger to the pressures and hardships of life, and facing them head on.
Fabian believes that his actions speak for themselves, and he is also a very articulate and capable direct communicator. Fabian is a driven natural leader, and was elected deputy head boy of Palmcroft Primary School in 2009. Despite facing major challenges during his school years, including suffering a broken leg during grade 12 exams, and trying financial conditions, he still managed to achieve a bachelor’s pass with flying colours.
The past year, 2020, was no different, and presented yet more challenges which Fabian tackled head on, and he continued to strive for his education. After saving up some money from temporary work, Fabian attended UNISA to study BSc, and achieved an aggregate of 77,6% and 3 distinctions out of 5 subjects in the first semester. In the second semester, Fabian managed to obtain 4 distinctions out of the 5 subjects with an aggregate of 79.4%. His aggregate for the year was 78.5%; and he is confident that he can still do much better than that.
Jordy Kafwe Kioni
Age: 19
Jordy is curious and passionate about learning and problem solving, which lends itself well to the ICT Sector and programming in particular.
Jordy graduated from Elkanah House High School in 2020.
Jordy has ambitions of being a software Engineer and working in the field of artificial intelligence. Jordy is motivated to get an education so that he is able to contribute positively to society by solving some of the problems we are facing. He sees himself working for a company – being part of something greater than himself – that does some really interesting work to make people’s lives better.
Referred to by his teachers as a highly intelligent young man who is able to think outside of set notions, Jordy has a willing and capable spirit and absorbs knowledge with ease. He achieved Academic Honours in both grade 11 and 12. He was also the top Information Technology student in 2020.
Jordy is currently a first year student studying BSc Computer Science at the University of Cape Town.
ISPA is proud to support these ambitious young men, and looks forward to welcoming them into the workforce and ICT sector in the very near future.