Gideon le Grange

Board member


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Gideon is an ICT veteran, having dabbled with computers since high school. At university he was exposed to the internet for the first time, and was immediately intrigued by its potential. While balancing studies and a stint as a software developer, he co-founded Adept in 1996. Currently he is Managing Director of Adept.

Gideon views fair competition as the best way to produce more consumer benefits, driving costs down and making communication and information accessible to more people. He believes that ISPA’s role in managing regulation and keeping the playing field level over the previous 26 years has been, and remains critically important.

A passionate and dedicated communicator, Gideon is a firm subscriber to company culture as a driving force, and a strong proponent of being transparent and forthcoming. When he occasionally takes his hands off the wheel, he is a keen hiker, motorsport enthusiast, and reader.

Contact Gideon le Grange:

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