Dave Gale
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Dave Gale holds an MSc (Elec Eng) from UCT from the days when coding was still taught using Cobol or Fortran and punched cards in draughty terminal rooms. He formed Dave Gale BusDev Solutions (DGBS) in 2008 and apart from a brief stint with MXit in 2013, has been an independent ICT consultant ever since. He is currently an Associate with Pegasys Consulting in Cape Town.
Dave started his working career in 1983 as a bursary student for the then department of Posts and Telecommunications. His first post was that of ‘Engineer in Charge of Text Switching’, which included the last remnant of the telegraph network in the Western Cape, the brand spanking new X.400 email and electronic commerce system and a fledgling data consultancy. He joined the regional project office in 1998 to take responsibility for bespoke corporate network solutions and the digitisation of the regional switching network.
After a brief stint with Iridium Africa, as a Programme Manager, he joined a cheeky start-up called Storm Telecom, offering international least cost routing. As the company evolved, Dave looked after Product Development and Management, Regulatory Affairs, Public Relations and later Corporate Strategy. During this time, Dave spent a number of years serving on the ISPA ManCom where he was responsible for PR. Eight challenging, terrifying and highly enjoyable years later Storm was sold and after dabbling in Renewable Energy and Business Systems for a short while, Dave returned his focus to ICT.
Dave has served on the boards of the Cape IT Initiative, Bridges of Hope Trust and the DBREV Trust. When he is not helping corporates and municipalities improve the ICT operations and infrastructure, or conducting technical due diligence on ICT companies or building data centres, Dave can be found outwitting criminal elements in his local neighbourhood as a farm watch patroller.
Acknowledged as a lateral thinking, innovative, high achiever, with strong problem-solving skills and an ability to motivate and lead diverse teams on technical projects, Dave is adept at opening doors and opportunities. He sometimes forgets to close them behind him.
Contact Dave Gale:
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