28East (Pty) Ltd

28East is boutique software company focussing on developing interactive map powered and location intelligence applications. Our Network Coverage Feasibility API is used by many ISPs as a key component of lead generation
28East (Pty) Ltd is a Small member of ISPA
and has been a member since 2019-10-02
Member details
Website: www.28east.co.za
Support email:
Support phone: ++271.196.68046
Compliance information
Registered name: 28East (Pty) Ltd
Physical address: 12 Victoria Link
Route 21 Corporate Park
Abuse email:
Compliance statements
28East (Pty) Ltd is a proud member of ISPA and upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct for all products and services offered in South Africa.
28East (Pty) Ltd has nominated ISPA as its agent for the purpose of receiving take-down notifications in terms of Section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
Services offered
Other services
Content design and development services