Bunny Digital

Bunny Digital is a niche managed internet services provider specialized in fully managed infrastructure based internet services provided in new developments Bunny Digital also provides SMB and Corporate level TechSupport SLAs with all related services such as network design and management, ICT procurement, hosting.
Bunny Digital is a Small member of ISPA
and has been a member since 2019-08-08
Member details
Website: WWW.bunny.digital
Support email:
Support phone: +0210.033.550
Licences: 2024/CECS/AUG/2021
Compliance information
Registered name: CTD Fibre PTY Ltd
Physical address: The Signature
De Waterkant
Abuse email:
Compliance statements
Bunny Digital is a proud member of ISPA and upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct for all products and services offered in South Africa.
Bunny Digital has nominated ISPA as its agent for the purpose of receiving take-down notifications in terms of Section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
Bunny Digital provides information on online safety for children.
Bunny Digital has indicated that it registers Internet domain names in the name of its clients.
Services offered
Wholesale services
Virtual ISP
Internet access services
WiFi access points
Security services
Routers and switches
Wifi equipment
Other services
Virtual private network services
Network management services
Internet skills training
 Member registers domains with DNSSEC records when requested.
 Member encourages the use of DNSSEC for domains.
 Member provides access to resolvers that support DNSSEC.