Telviva (Pty) Ltd

Telviva is a next-generation telecommunication solution provider with a clear mission to help our customers take advantage of the most dramatic technological changes and developments in the telecommunications sector.
Telviva (Pty) Ltd is a Medium member of ISPA
and has been a member since 2007-03-02
Member details
Support email:
Support phone: 0878.200.200
Alternative phone: 0216.575.160
Fax: 021 657 5161
Licences: Hosted PBX and Contact Centre. Voice services
ECNS 0019/IECNS/JAN/09 and ECS 0019/IECS/JAN/09
ECS 0019/IECS/JAN/09
Compliance information
Registered name: Telviva (Pty) Ltd
Physical address: 6th Floor Terraces Black River Park
Fir Street
Cape Town
Abuse email:
Compliance statements
Telviva (Pty) Ltd is a proud member of ISPA and upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct for all products and services offered in South Africa.
Telviva (Pty) Ltd has nominated ISPA as its agent for the purpose of receiving take-down notifications in terms of Section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
Telviva (Pty) Ltd has indicated that it registers Internet domain names in the name of its clients.
Services offered
Internet access services
Digital subscriber line
Fixed line (copper)
Fibre-to-the-business (FTTB)
Fibre-to-the-home (FTTH)
Mobile (eg. 3G, LTE)
WiFi access points
Security services
Endpoint security
DDoS protection and mitigation
Intrusion detection and prevention
General security consulting
Routers and switches
Mobile routers
VoIP handsets
Wifi equipment
Phones and accessories
Other services
Voice (or VoIP) services
Virtual private network services
Network management services
Audio- or video-conferencing
User defined additions
ECNS 0019/IECNS/JAN/09 and ECS 0019/IECS/JAN/09
Hosted PBX and Contact Centre. Voice services