Business Connexion ( Pty) Ltd

The Information Age is being driven by massively scalable global content distribution and consumption, with an intense focus on 'ease of consumption at the point of consumption'. This focus has been brought about by globally distributed Cloud Services that can be consumed 'on demand' by both companies and individuals connected to the Internet. The capability and capacity to connect into global 'cloud content' resources as well as the ability to distribute content globally are key value propositions for ICT service providers. Business Connexion Content Distribution Solutions (Pty) Limited (CDS) developed and established a South African Content Delivery Network infrastructure which has enabled it to ensure true national and local broadband 'cloud and content' service delivery to our customers. It is this sort of capacity and global reach, which defines the concepts of global cloud computing, borderless application delivery and rich media content access required by the new generation ICT users and applications. It places CDS in a unique position to be the ICT service provider of choice for these services in Africa. CDS has formed an exciting association with Limelight Networks and is proud to announce the establishment of the 28th Limelight PoP in the Business Connexion Tier4 Data Centre in Midrand. CDS is bringing the Internet to South Africa and is taking South African content to the global village in a very serious way. Today, there are infinite possibilities to connect with content. Internet users expect their work, their entertainment, and their life's activities to be just a click- or a tap-away. Limelight Networks® has architected a robust and intelligent global platform that serves the demands of this "anytime-anywhere." hyper-connected world. CDS, as the South African Limelight reseller, will be responsible for delivering the Limelight services to the Sub Saharan continent.
Business Connexion ( Pty) Ltd is a Large member of ISPA
and has been a member since 2003-09-01
Member details
Support email:
Support phone: +27 (0) 11 266 1100
Alternative phone: 0861 237 888
Licences: 0458/IECS/AUG/10
Compliance information
Registered name: Business Connexion (Pty) Ltd
Physical address: 1021 Lenchen Avenue North
Abuse email:
Compliance statements
Business Connexion ( Pty) Ltd is a proud member of ISPA and upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct for all products and services offered in South Africa.
Business Connexion ( Pty) Ltd has nominated ISPA as its agent for the purpose of receiving take-down notifications in terms of Section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
Business Connexion ( Pty) Ltd provides information on online safety for children.
Business Connexion ( Pty) Ltd has indicated that it registers Internet domain names in the name of its clients.
Services offered
Internet access services
Fixed line (copper)
Satellite (eg. VSAT)
Hosting/cloud services
Email hosting
Website hosting (site hosted on ISP's servers)
Server hosting (client's hardware hosted on ISP's network)
Managed server hosting (client uses an ISP managed server)
Virtual private server hosting (client uses a virtual server)
Cloud hosting (service does not disclose data location)
Cloud or server monitoring
Backup, mirroring and disaster recovery
Security services
Content filtering
Endpoint security
Intrusion detection and prevention
General security consulting
Routers and switches
VoIP handsets
Wifi equipment
Laptops and tablets
Phones and accessories
Other services
Domain name services
Voice (or VoIP) services
Virtual private network services
Content design and development services
Network management services
Audio- or video-conferencing