Enterprise Outsourcing Operations (Pty) Ltd

Enterprise Outsourcing was established in 2000 and is a leading technology and business management organisation based in Sandton and Cape Town. The company has successfully positioned itself as a leader in IT and data solutions by focusing on customising technology to meet clients’ specific business needs. Enterprise Outsourcing operates both national and local area networks providing hosted applications and IT services for corporations and service providers. We equip clients with competitive and cutting-edge IT capabilities, aligning IT solutions with their overall business strategy and executing the most efficient processes. Our business model is defined by forging close and productive relationships with clients in delivering high quality service and a customer experience that exceeds expectation. The founders of Enterprise Outsourcing have a wealth of expertise in corporate information technology, telecommunications with the company powered by continued investment in developing the company’s substantial technical resources and expertise. Enterprise Outsourcing’s tailor made business solutions are supported by key partnerships with industry leaders such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, VMware, Lawson, HP, Dell, SAP and Symantec among others.
Enterprise Outsourcing Operations (Pty) Ltd is a Large member of ISPA
and has been a member since 2012-04-25
Member details
Website: www.enterpriseoutsourcing.co.za
Support email:
Support phone: 011 506 8600
Fax: 011 506 8666
Licences: 9482/IECS/JAN/2011
Compliance information
Registered name: Enterprise Outsourcing Operations (Pty) Ltd
Physical address: Katherine & West
114 West Street
Abuse email:
Compliance statements
Enterprise Outsourcing Operations (Pty) Ltd is a proud member of ISPA and upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct for all products and services offered in South Africa.
Enterprise Outsourcing Operations (Pty) Ltd has nominated ISPA as its agent for the purpose of receiving take-down notifications in terms of Section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
Enterprise Outsourcing Operations (Pty) Ltd has indicated that it registers Internet domain names in the name of its clients.
Services offered
Wholesale services
Virtual ISP
Internet access services
Digital subscriber line
Fixed line (copper)
Mobile (eg. 3G, LTE)
WiFi access points
Hosting/cloud services
Website hosting (site hosted on ISP's servers)
Server hosting (client's hardware hosted on ISP's network)
Managed server hosting (client uses an ISP managed server)
Security services
General security consulting
Routers and switches
Wifi equipment
Laptops and tablets
Other services
Domain name services
Voice (or VoIP) services
Virtual private network services
Content design and development services
Network management services
Internet skills training