Network Platforms

At Network Platforms, computer infrastructure IS our core business, so we live this philosophy - � we assess our clients' needs, requirements and goals minutely and develop computer network solutions customized to embrace the unique elements particular to every business. We ensure that our solutions are scalable, will grow with your business -without incurring retro-costs - or even contract easily, should that be the direction in which you're taking your business. We also help you sift through the spectrum of media available - fixed cable, wireless, single-site networks or remote site connectivity, whatever - and identify the most efficient, cost-effective combination of digital media for your particular business. In the fast-paced Internet environment, the burden of identifying and using the optimal bandwidth solution is also now no longer yours.
Network Platforms is a Small member of ISPA
and has been a member since 2012-02-07
Member details
Support email:
Support phone: +278.699.90886
Alternative phone: +271.000.71300
Licences: 0758/CECNS/OCT/2016
Compliance information
Registered name: Network Platforms
Physical address: The Campus Twickenham Building
Ground Floor
Crn Mayn & Sloane Street
Abuse email:
Compliance statements
Network Platforms is a proud member of ISPA and upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct for all products and services offered in South Africa.
Network Platforms has nominated ISPA as its agent for the purpose of receiving take-down notifications in terms of Section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
Network Platforms has indicated that it registers Internet domain names in the name of its clients.
Services offered
Wholesale services
Virtual ISP
Internet access services
Digital subscriber line
Fixed line (copper)
Mobile (eg. 3G, LTE)
WiFi access points
Hosting/cloud services
Website hosting (site hosted on ISP's servers)
Server hosting (client's hardware hosted on ISP's network)
Managed server hosting (client uses an ISP managed server)
Security services
General security consulting
Routers and switches
Wifi equipment
Laptops and tablets
Other services
Domain name services
Voice (or VoIP) services
Virtual private network services
Network management services
Internet skills training