
Founded in 1997, Web Africa, a multi-award winning, privately owned internet service provider (ISP) with a national presence, provides broadband internet access and hosting solutions for tens of thousands of local and international clients. In the consumer broadband market, Web Africa has continually pioneered the industry with first to market ADSL innovations such as DSL Secure and our pre-paid bandwidth model. In web hosting, our expertise in operating multiple hosting clusters, both in data centres in South Africa and Atlanta in the US, and the provision of advanced and automated solutions, has resulted in Web Africa seeing over 300% year on year growth, making us one of the fastest growing and 2nd largest1 hosting providers in South Africa. Our top-quality support infrastructure has been lauded by customers as one of the best in the industry, with friendly and knowledgeable personnel available 24 hours a day to help those customers who require it, whether they are in South African or based internationally. Web Africa also offers on-site staff training in both management and the technologies relevant to the ISP environment, in a constant effort to improve the skills and knowledge of our personnel in a bid to constantly provide top-quality service to our customers.
Webafrica is a Large member of ISPA
and has been a member since 2004-03-18
Member details
Website: www.webafrica.co.za
Support email:
Support phone: 086.000.9500
Alternative phone: 021 464 9500
Fax: 0861 555 223
Compliance information
Registered name: Webafrica
Physical address: No physical address supplied
Abuse email:
Compliance statements
Webafrica is a proud member of ISPA and upholds the ISPA Code of Conduct for all products and services offered in South Africa.
Webafrica has nominated ISPA as its agent for the purpose of receiving take-down notifications in terms of Section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
Webafrica provides information on online safety for children.
Webafrica has indicated that it registers Internet domain names in the name of its clients.
Services offered
Wholesale services
Virtual ISP
Internet access services
Digital subscriber line
Hosting/cloud services
Website hosting (site hosted on ISP's servers)
Server hosting (client's hardware hosted on ISP's network)
Managed server hosting (client uses an ISP managed server)
Routers and switches
Other services
Domain name services